The Dangers of Leaving Untreated Mold in Your Home

August 18, 2021 2:45 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

It’s easy to shrug off mold in a home as a small problem that only affects the area’s aesthetic. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Mold growth is related to a variety of health issues, some of which might even be deadly. Keep reading to learn more about what health concerns you should have after finding mold:

  • Breathing problems: Even though it grows on surfaces, mold emits spores, cells and other organic compounds into the air. These mycotoxins are known to cause breathing problems, especially in those who already have preexisting conditions. It’s not uncommon for those with asthma or a chronic lung condition to experience shortness of breath or excessive wheezing when mold is present.
  • Allergies: A runny nose or watery eyes may just mean there are allergens like pollen or pet dander floating around in your home. But if your allergy symptoms are worse than usual, there might be mold hiding behind a wall or somewhere else in your house. Be on the lookout if you or anyone else are experiencing allergy-like symptoms—if you’re wondering what the health risks of untreated mold are, these come with the territory.
  • Aspergillosis: There are many different types of mold out there. While some aren’t all that harmful, molds like aspergillus can cause a health problem known as aspergillosis. Aspergillosis has a few different forms that affect different systems in the body. For example, allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) causes breathing problems, while allergic aspergillus sinusitis leads to headaches.

What factors affect the likelihood of these illnesses?

Just because there’s mold doesn’t necessarily mean you or your family members will suffer from any of the health risks mentioned above. The type of mold and how long the mold has been present are a few factors that determine how sick a person may become. And as we touched on above, a person’s preexisting conditions can leave them more vulnerable to becoming sick from mold exposure.

Mold prevention

The good news is that keeping mold out of your home doesn’t have to be a guessing game. The best way to reduce the chance of mold growth is to reduce the humidity level in your home, as mold thrives in humid environments. You’ll also want to address any leaks right away—damp areas after a broken pipe or after a storm are hotbeds for many types of mold.

If you’re experiencing any health issues, consider calling a mold remediation specialist to perform a full inspection. They’ll cover what health concerns you should have after finding mold and remove the mold if any is found.

What if you already have mold?

Following these mold prevention tips can do wonders to keep mold out of your home, but there’s no guarantee mold won’t spring up at some point. Be sure to call our team at Active Mold Control LLC as soon as you spot any mold growth. We’ll schedule an appointment to remove the mold and treat the affected area to prevent it from growing back.

Give us a call today to schedule our services or to further discuss the health risks of untreated mold.

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