Call Us Before You Buy That House!

August 12, 2020 10:37 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

If you’re in the market in Portland, OR, chances are you are buying a home with mold. The question is whether it’s enough to be dangerous, and whether you need mold remediation before you move in. Before you buy, you should find out, “Does your new home have mold?” Here are five reasons to address mold before you finalize that deal:

  • Common issue: Mold thrives in damp climates like ours. It will grow wherever there is moisture, and that includes window seals, air conditioner units, basements and attics with poor airflow. The presence of mold could indicate home maintenance needs or a bigger issue, like a recent basement flood. If an inspection reveals mold, you need to check for other issues with the home. Otherwise, you may end up buying someone else’s problem.
  • Health risks: Mold is dangerous for people with compromised immune systems and respiratory issues. If anyone in your household faces these conditions, you are looking at frequent emergency room trips and an overall reduction in the quality of their health. Even if no one in your household is at obvious risk, mold causes discomfort. Breathing difficulties, coughing and persistence will lead people to wonder if they caught a cold. Symptoms can escalate from there and become dangerous for normally healthy individuals. This type of trouble is not worth the risk.
  • Home price is generously low: The real estate market in Portland is competitive, and there is no doubt that you want to jump on that good deal. However, even in this environment, if a deal seems too good to be true, that is likely because it is. Low prices often reflect problems you cannot see, and that includes mold growth. While it may be tempting to buy now and deal with the problems later, you want to schedule an inspection and make sure that mold is not one of those issues. You want to make sure that low price is a result of seller generosity and not the desire to unload a problem quickly.
  • Cost of mold remediation: If your heart is set on a home and you find a mold problem, you can likely make mold remediation a condition of your offer. This requires the seller to arrange for remediation and pay for it. Otherwise, it becomes your problem after closing, and that may be an expense you are not ready to absorb. There is no reason to move into a house with a mold problem or expect to take on the issue yourself. Finding mold can be a negotiating tool and help you ensure your home is safe when you move in.
  • Move-in delays: If you are looking to move in a hurry, finding mold will delay your plans. Arrange for an inspection, and if positive, schedule remediation efforts so you can plan accordingly. Also, it is more difficult to thoroughly remove mold when you have furniture and moving boxes everywhere than in an empty home. Find mold early, wait for remediation and then move in when your new house is safely ready for you.

Does your new home have mold? Active Mold Control LLC can help you find out. Buying a home with mold in Portland, OR comes with significant risks, and you need to make an informed decision. Call us today to arrange for a thorough mold inspection.

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